Activity Based Costing In Health Care Industry
The change in managed care plans has created the necessity to apply more accurate costing methods, such as ABC, in the health care industry. Prior to the early 1980s most health care providers operated on a retrospective payment basis. This method based reimbursement on the cost of providing health care.
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Here we are looking at how to calculate the cost of a major disease category – a more detailed service line. Two patients undergoing heart surgery end up with differing costs, based on the staffing for the case, the duration of the case, and the supplies actually used etc. The cost accounting information can be used to examine variances in costs and hopefully to reduce costs. Activity-Based Management A value-based chain of activities ensures efficient and high quality delivery of care.

This is the focus of activity-based management. By elimination and improvement of processes, the following outcomes are possible: • Cost reduction in the activity pools • Decrease in the staff or realignment of the staff • Increase in the number of patients Fragmentation ratio would help in looking into overcapacity with respect to staff/activity. Guidelines for ABC implementation • Obtain the consent, support, and cooperation of hospital personnel to provide the implementation team with inputs on data and policies such as volume of activities, cost pools, cost drivers, expenses, admission policy etc. • The project should have passionate Sponsor and an experienced Program Manager. The team should consist of accounting staff, clinicians, office Managers, business unit stakeholders and nurses.
Activity Based Costing In Hospitals
• Chart the critical path of the service: Create swim-lane process maps and flowcharts of the Department. Avoid kitchen sinks in the process flows – where you have an input and no output. • Complete the value chain analysis: Eliminate redundant processes in service delivery. Consider process re-engineering if the types of activities are not aligned with the final outcome of your goals that align with your corporate vision. This part of the strategy needs collaboration and blessings from all departments. • Scrutinize the general ledger accounts to classify the expenses into activities that align with the services that is being provided. • Build Hierarchies for dimensions for reporting and processing.
Product Costing In Healthcare
Make them as close to General Ledger as possible but remember Management Reporting and Analysis is different than General Ledger reporting. Management Reporting is keen on strategic impacts; General Ledger reporting focuses on operational aspects. • Analyze billing codes. Any code that is not studied should be assigned a standard cost. Driving force gt feedback problem. • Collate activities to form homogeneous pools. Practice Managers /caregivers play important role here. • Choose activity measures to represent each pool.
• Establish rate policies such as: when to use actual/budgeted rates vs. Frozen rates. • Arriving at the cost of procedure will require integrating data from multiple systems – Billing, OR, Pharmacy, Supplies, Accounting, and lot of manually collected data from activities.
Activity Based Costing Example

Activities, Expenses, Drivers, Cost Objects, Activity Pools Activity data is gathered by time studies or having the physician/patient/staff fill out a questionnaire independently. Sometimes, the practice manager's give the numbers by observation or interviewing the staff. The activities (lowest level in ABC) in a Cardiology Department may include: • Reception and admission of patients • Consultation with physician • Administration of tests • Dispensation of medication • Provision of therapy • Provision of meal and in-patient facilities • Nurse visits and monitoring of patients • Dictation • Reading test results • Room setup • Patient Preparation • Patient education Cost drivers • # of patients calling or checking in to the hospital for cardiology care. • # of diagnostic tests required. Here you can have pre and post-surgery tests. • # of medication orders called in. • # of procedures or surgeries performed.