Can You Smoke Crack In A Vaporizer Pen
Well cocaine is in a salt form and doesn't vape well in that form. Thats why you either have to freebase it or turn it into crack to 'smoke' it. When you smoke it all you're doing it melting it down and basically vaporizing it so i don't think that would be much different from using a vaporizer. Besides it would get all gunked up in the cotton wicking so basically you would get a big pile of goo. Stick with a glass pipe and a propane torch to change your rock into a liquid and then into a Vape or vapor. If you want to Vape a Vape juice then vapor Vape if you want to smoke crack smoke crack but you’re gonna have to use a different pipe. Oct 19, 2016 When you use a vaporizer for smoking, or a vape pen, you are not actually smoking. Smoke is uniquely a product of combustion. Smoke is a toxic blend of chemical aerosols released by intense, rapid chemical reactions involved when something is burned.
What kind of vaporizer? If you mean like a volcano, then maybe spice or sherm. Freebase is crack, and it's best smoked out of a straight shooter(glass tube with a brillo stuffed in it) and meth's best smoked out of a glass dick(glass tube with a bulb on the end) I've heard good things about DMT and a vapor genie.
And opium has it's own pipe with a special lamp to vaporize the opium;it's very hard to find a real opium pipe, even harder to find a real opium lamp. Heroin is best smoked on simple aluminum foil. I'm reviving this thread since I can't find any useful info about this anywhere. I have just the same question as OP, what all drugs can be vaporized? Guess it also relies heavily on what type of vaporizer, I have a very good table vaporizer, don't remember name unfortunately, but it cost about 400$ and you can set exact temperature. I'm curious whether I could just scatter things like powder cocaine or other stim RCs in it. Start with low temperature if I don't know melting point, and slowly increase it until it starts to have effect.
Feb 13, 2014 What all can you smoke from a vaporizer? Obviously, marijuana and tobacco, but what about crack, freebase, meth, ect.???

Probably these drugs are destroyed before actually vaporized? Someone must have tried it!

Can You Smoke Crack In A Vape Pen
Please don't tell me to use crack pipe, inhaling from foils etc. Since that is not vaporizing. That's smoking, which I never want to do again. I'm curious whether I could just scatter things like powder cocaine or other stim RCs in it.
Start with low temperature if I don't know melting point, and slowly increase it until it starts to have effect. I would recommend you do not do this.
Besides wasting your drugs, you run the risk of these drugs decomposing into some nasty and possibly dangerous by products. You dont want to be inhaling that stuff. Anne roe career development theory pdf file. I can tell you cocaine salts(which is what I assume powder cocaine is) will not work for one, and an 'RC stim' could be any number of things.