Patch Fr Teamspeak 3 Indir

Patch Fr Teamspeak 3 Indirect
I started my own TeamSpeak a little over a month ago but decided to move to a paid for version as voice comms and staying online is important. TS3 Address: Rainbow6Siege.Online I have maintained the server and amended ALL channels to level 10 Obus voice (this is the same as Mumble servers use) you will notice how CRISP the voice comms are. The server was created for Non-Clans and Clans to jump on, practice, meet new people and basically have fun whilst playing this game, nothing worse than jumping into a game alone and having a team full of kids / Team Killers. ANYWAY This server is what I'd hope to see, but as I couldn't see any like this, I decided to make one myself. SERVER DETAILS and YES I bought the domain name! TS3 @ I hope to see you on there, my UPLAY is HobbsyUK Bookmark us and even if not in-game, we have a relax room / music bot and OTHER Game channels, invite your friends. The more the merrier.
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