Smith Wesson Model 41 Serial Number Date Of Manufacture
Many people have questions about how to identify a S&W revolver and when was it made. I borrowed this from a thread on forum.
Serial Number Lookup

It has a lot of info that might be of interest to many of you. Identifying features: This is where to look for the model number (not used until around 1957).
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Some Smith and Wesson revolvers have a duplicate serial number stamped inside the yoke, along with the gun's model number. These numbers are only visible with the gun open. Revolvers manufactured before 1957 have nothing stamped inside of the yoke.
Sometimes the serial number is here, especially in later models. Earlier models have them here: S&W revolver names before World War II Name Caliber Frame.22 Hand Ejector Ladysmith 22 Long M.22/32 Target 22 Long Rifle I.22 Outdoorsman 22 Long Rifle K.32 Hand Ejector (round Butt) 32 S&W Long I.32 Regulation Police (Square Butt) 32 S&W Long I.32-20 Hand Ejector 32-20 Win.
K.38 Military&Police 38 Spl K.38 Hand Ejector (same as above, with adjustable sights).38 Regulation Police (Square Butt) 38 S&W I.38 Terrier 2' Round Butt 38 S&W I.38/44 Heavy Duty (fixed sights) 38 Spl N.38/44 Outdoorsman (Adj. Sights) 38 Spl N.357 Magnum 357 Mag N.44 HAnd Ejector Military Model 44 Spl N.44 Hand ejector Model 1926 44 Spl N (shrouded extractor rod).45 U.S. Posting above continued here. DATING A S&W Please note that this list is a general guide and not meant to be exact.
There is some dispute regarding the dates on some serial numbers and your gun may actually be a year off from what is listed. The precise shipping date as 'lettered' can be several years off depending on model. For the exact date on your gun request the letter from S&W Historian Roy Jinks. Pre-War N frame. Year/Beginning Serial 1908. -1919 None--------1936.
STUMPED and couldn't sleep. I have a S&W Revolver given to me in the 1990's. It has never been fired since I have owned it. It shows significant holster and carry wear but is in good shape.
Serial Number Idm

The problem is I have NO idea what I have. The serial numbers have no letters, it has a lanyard strap in the grip butt and Trade Mark is on the right side. Not looking for value as it is sentimental. Thanks for ANY advice or direction, Matt THANKS TO EVERYONE!
FPrice is going to help explain. This is a quandry with what we found. The quandary: THANKS AGAIN TO EVERYONE! I have been pointed towards this video which was on American Rifleman. The video is slightly less specific about the Victory Model but is interesting. When I find out more I will let you know. STUMPED and couldn't sleep.