The Maze Of The Kings Pc Doctor

Little King's Story - Princess Apricot's Wonder Spot Locations Little King's Story for Nintendo Wii Princess Apricot's Wonder Spot Locations by xkbx (octicutie444 Google Mail) 1.Former Onii Grounds Location:In the area where you defeat the three onii's and two escargoo's. Description:Onii Man! With him gone, the flowers can bloom! 2.Sunflower Plains Location:In the entrance of Sunflower Plains when you enter it from the place where you defeated Onii King.
Description:I see the sunflowers and think of you! 3. Sailor moon. Firefly Lake Location:In Sunflower Plains almost near the Melon Patch. Quitar limite de velocidad rapidshares.
Description:In the middle of the night stars fall towards the quiet lakeside. 4.Melon Patch Location:In the area right after you've crossed the bridge that exits the Sunflower Plains and is also the area where you defeat Korobokle. Description:A patch famous for producing monster watermelons!
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5.Forest Cafeteria Location:In the area of the Boney Tunnel Entrance and right after you leave the Melon Patch. Also, near the entrance of the Ripe Kingdom. Now treat me to a cup of tea! 6.Nature Maze Location:The maze that you go to when entering the Worrywart Kingdom and exiting the Skull Plains. Description:Wandering around and getting lost!
7.Screw-Loose Isles Location:The maze that you go to when entering the Primetime Kingdom and exiting the Skull Plains. Description:Glittery network TV is like the stars! 8.Matroyshka Rock Location:After exiting Boney Tunnel and entering the Skull Plains. Description:Inside the rock, is another rock!
9.Bird's Nests! Location:In the Skull Plains sort of near the Boney Tunnel. It hurts to live!
10.Haunted Zone 1 Location:At the really low part of the world, after exiting Former Onii Grounds. Description:Ghosts always show up in photos!

11.Haunted Zone 2 Location:Past the Boney Dragon's cage (entrance to Sobamanjaro) where the TV is. Description:Even the dead grumble when they get hungry! 12.King's Natural Reserve Location:The area where you fought King Duvroc (Jolly Kingdom). Description:Party hardy but it's sad when it ends.!
The Maze Of The Kings Pc Doctor Free
13.Wide Pin Pinball Location:Where you fought King Shishkebaboo (Ripe Kingdom). Description:You're really cute when you have whipped cream on your cheek. 14.Eggan Ruins Location:Where you fought King Omelet (Worrywart Kingdom).
The Maze Of The Kings Arcade Game
The raw egg that just can't stop! 15.Broadcast Tower Location:Where you fought TV Dinnah (Primetime Kingdom). Description:I'll pierce your heart.with an antenna! 16.Hidden Hot Spring Location:Near the entrance of New Island and a little bit past the entrance of Tiptoe Kingdom.