Red Alert 2 Rip Rapidshare
Red Alert 2 version 1.006 for online play Information Red Alert 2 is one of the best Strategy Game you will ever play. It has a very good IGN rating of 9.3.
It was released in 2000, published by Electronic Arts and developed by Westwood Studios. Some of the rewarding and hardest to quantify elements of RA2 is unit balance. And whenever you've acquired three separate theaters in which to function, unit stability becomes that much more difficult. The units in RA2are an incredible mix of land, sea and air forces. And better than not having any of the models be completely nugatory, the oldsters at Westwood have gone out of their method to ensure that every of the items has a specific role to play in your total strategy.
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Red Alert 2 Rip
Download Command & Conquer Red Alert 2 RIP Version - Giatbanget. Advertise Sitemap About Contact Home MENU Giatbanget Tempatnya download berbagai game pc gratis, full version, RIP, compressed, high speed Home Static Page. Download Command & Conquer Red Alert 2 RIP Version - Giatbanget. Command And Conquer: Red Alert 2 Download Game Description: Red Alert 2 is likely one of the most polished, finest-conceived, and downright pleasant actual-time technique video games in recent memory. Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 is a real-time strategy video game by Westwood Pacific, which was released for Microsoft Windows on October 23, 2000 as the follow-up to Command & Conquer: Red Alert. Wikipedia Initial release date: October 21, 2000.

Let's just take the ocean items for example. The Allies can produce Carriers which can be very gradual however can launch repeated attacks in opposition to distant enemy installations. Destroyers should accompany the Carriers to defend them from Sub attacks. Aegis Cruisers provide a convenient air protection whereas the undetectable Dolphins defend towards Soviet Squids. Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 is the sequel to the popular 1996 spin-off of Westwood's definitive real-time Strategy Game. It is also known as RA2.